Essay Writing 25/6

In general, people are living longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon. Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.

It is the fact that since humanity entered into the 21st century, there has been a significant rise in our life expectancy in comparison with that in the past. In other words, people are living longer nowadays. From my perspective, there are three main causes of this phenomenon.

First and foremost, the development of medical science can be considered as a major factor in the development of human society. In the context of accelerating dangerous diseases, medical technology which is in the form of medicines, vaccines, or healthcare systems has been improved greatly to reduce mortality rates and many life-threatening diseases. For example, smallpox was widely regarded as a pandemic in the 1970s, but it has been eradicated from the world just a few years ago.

Second of all, mechanization brings about a comfortable life. Bicycles are replaced with more modern vehicles such as cars, trains, and planes for long-distance travel to avoid noxious gases or unexpected weather. Besides, the use of advanced automation which supports employees in hazardous environments or difficult tasks is given top priority. That is why the popularity of the machine is growing in society.

Last but not least, nutrition contributes considerably to improving life expectancy. Thanks to the media, individuals are knowledgeable about the connection between adequate nutrition and healthy eating habits. People try their best to eat low-fat foods and eat more vegetables and fruits, which makes their life longer.

In conclusion, given the aforementioned causes, medicine, science, and nourishment plays an important role in the rising life expectancy of people. As being predicted, people are going to live even longer.

(263 words)

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