ENGLISH: The Second Semester English exam of Grade 8

Introduce myself:
 Good afternoon, teacher. My full name is Tran Minh Duc. I’m fourteen years old. I’m in class eight-eight of Nguyen Van Troi Secondary School. My address is twenty-nine over eight, Minh Mang Street. And my favorite subject at school is English because it helps me communicate well with other people in the world. Today, I would like to talk about ...........

The short paragraph about the english speaking country (Singapore):
 Nowaday, English is the offical language of many countries in the world and one of them is Singapore. Singapore is an island country that located in southern Malaysia with a population of over 5 million. Despite the smallest country in Southeast Asia, Singapore is one of the four most developing economies in ASEAN, dubbed the Asian Dragon. In addition, Singapore is the cleanest country in the world. Although Singapore has some disadvantages like: almost no mineral, high density..., let's go there once if you have chance!

The short paragraph about the schedule to english speaking country (The USA):
 This is the schedule for my two-day visit to Washington D.C., the capital of the USA. On the first day, we plan to go to the White House, where the forty-fifth President of the USA are living, at 7 o'clock. Then, we stop at a nearby restaurant to enjoy the specialities of American cuisine. After that, we get on a Hop-on Hop-off trolley, which rides around the city, at 2pm. On the journey, we can see the Lincoln Memorial, National Zoological Park, ... On the second day, we take 8.30 shuttle bus to take canoe club to join a canoe trip along the C & O canal. This canal is famous for its beautiful natural scenery, esspecially in autumn. At quarter, past three, we visit the National Childten's Museum. The brocure says that this museum offers children a lot of knowledge through playing.

The short paragraph about the pollution (soil pollution):
The environment has been polluted in many different ways. Among them, the soil pollution is one of the most serious ways in my area. It's caused by many reasons. The first is the untreated industrial wastes of factories. Secondly, people deforest for building houses. The final reason is that farmers use chemicals for crops. All the above reasons are causing serious soil pollution. It affects our health in the long run, leads to many kinds of diseases. It also changes the ecosystem, result in the extinction of animals. And it also brings about disasters such as floods, landslides, etc.
To solve this pollution, the government has given many solutions. They fine heavily the factories that dump/ for dumping industrial waste into the ground, explain to the public the benefits of the environment to our lives. In addition, they also encourage farmers to use crops that can be resistant to pests or call on people to regrow forests to protect the land. In short, I hope that everyone will join hands to solve the soil pollution so we have the better place to live.

The short paragraph about the communication:
 Today, people use a lot of means of communication and they are divided into three types. The first is the verbal communication that includes face-to-face meeting, video conferencing, etc. Next, using music, codes, or body language are examples of non-verbal communication. Finally, the multimedia includes using social networks, texting, ... Among the above three means of communication, I think multimedia forms are the most popular. In modern society, most people are very busy with their work so they have no time to meet face to face or use non-verbal language to discuss any topic. In addition, young people who always have their own phone, so it is easier to communicate with multimedia than the other means of communication. 

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