ENGLISH: The First Semester English exam of Grade 9 and Some other Passages

Introduce myself:

 Good morning, teacher. My full name is Tran Minh Duc. I’m fourteen years old. I’m in class nine-four of Nguyen Van Troi Secondary School. I live on Minh Mang Street, Do Vinh Ward. Since my house isn't far from the school, I walk to school every day. My favorite subject at school is English because of two reasons. The first is that I am taught by the teacher Snake. Secondly, it is one of the most important parts for my future as well as it helps me communicate well with other people in the world. And today, I would like to tell you about ...........

Country Life/ City Life:

Tell some changes in your home village nowadays: 
My home village is in Hoai Nhon District, Binh Dinh Province. Although the lives of the people here were extremely poor, lacking many things in the struggle against American imperialism, in recent years, this place has changed spectacularly. The first change was in the 70s and 80s of the twentieth century, there used to be thatched houses, earthen houses, but now they have been replaced with comfortable and steady brick houses. The second change is that during the subsidy period, all families in the village had no electricity. They had to use oil lamps to do daily routine, even studying. But now electrical appliances are available in every house. Every night, from the beginning to the end of the village are very bright. Thirdly, on the village road forty years ago, there used to be only bicycles, buffalo-drawn cart, others walked, and very few scooters. When the country is peaceful, on the village road, there are fulls of cars. Finally, in the past few amount of schools were built up because of insufficient funds. Not only that, they were hundreds of kilometers far from the village and some of the schools were devastated by the war. Every day, the children in the village had to cross muddy, rugged roads and rivers flowing fast to get to school. But now, thanks to the state budget, some schools have been built near the village so that they can go to school more easily, benefiting their learning and their health. Thanks to those changes, the life of my home village as well as other villages in the country has been increasing, helping people's life better.

Tell some of the advantages of living in the countryside: 
Cities and countryside are different in some aspects. Cities are more modern with more opportunities for young people. In contrast, countryside is a good choice for people who want peace. That is the reason why I prefer to live in the countryside. The rural environment is fully peaceful with less crime and no noisy. Crime is very rare in the country. The people here are so mild and honest that they hardly ever have a thought of committing crime even if it is a slight one, namely a burglary. Besides, rural areas are not noisy because there are not so many vehicles running around all day and factories as in urban areas. The people mainly travel on foot rather than any other kinds of transportations. Fewer vehicles and factories contribute to clean air – a special feature of the countryside. Fewer transports and industrial parks mean that there are fewer emissions or toxic gases which are considered the main causes of air pollution worldwide. Furthermore, there are a lot of trees, weeds and farms. They seem to be very useful in cleaning the air. They really help the environment in the countryside to be improved, while that in the cities is destroyed to some great extent. Another reason why I choose to live in the countryside instead of cities is that the people in here are very friendly and kind. They welcome everyone to visit their place and are always willing to help other people if necessary. Relationships between neighbors are in such great bonds that they spend time sharing with each other about almost everything from time to time. Each one will have each view. But in my opinion, I firmly believe that living in such a relaxing, clean and friendly place like the countryside is a good choice for me.

Tell some of the advantages of living in the city:
Cities and countryside are different in some aspects. Countryside is a good choice for people who want peace. In contrast, cities are more modern with more opportunities for young people. That is the reason why I prefer to live in the city. The city is the center of culture with many festivals which are held to bring the international and local variety help people understand more about history and society as well as introduce people the culture of other countries. In the city, young people are too crowded, so the need for learning is essential. Therefore, a great selection of schools, colleges and vocational training centers are built with up-to-date educational facilities; teachers from celebrated schools across the country and around the world and practical education programs including taking students to festivals, helps students not only learn more practical knowledge but also entertain, relieve stress study. In addition, people can go to many other recreational areas such as parks, clubs, shopping malls, ... For teens, especially from rural areas, the city is the best place to get many good working opportunities. Exactly, I mean that most large companies, famous firms and government offices are always in the big city. Annually, they need to recruit many excellent businessmen, engineers and skilled workers. As in result, this increases good chances for many students who have just graduated and want to work. So, everybody living in the city can earn money for their family's daily expenses more easily than those in the countryside. Each one will have each view. But in my opinion, I firmly believe that living in such a razzamatazz and attraction place like the city is a good choice for me.

Learning a foreign language:

Tell some experiences in learning and using English:
I have been studying English for about 7 years. Everyday, beside review the old lessons and study tomorrow lesson, I also go to class to listen to teacher lecture, raise hand to comment. At home, I study online through the website tienganh123.com. Some schoolyears, I try to register for the IOE exam, and recently is the school exam of the gifted students. Consequently, I have had valuable experiences in learning English. About learning vocabulary, every evening, I write five new words on a certain topic as well as their meaning on post-it notes, and at the same time I say aloud their pronunciation many times. Then, I paste these notes all over the house which places I go through most. Each time I go through, I read aloud the words and Vietnamese meaning, it helps me remember the new words quickly. The next evening, I will self-test with the application on the Internet, correct the mistakes in writing or pronunciation to get the highest score. About grammar, every week I look for related structures, their dependencies as well as their usage, their perception, the relationship between them and the notes. After that, I spend five to six days doing homework and testing. Also, on hearing, on the weekends, I go online to find conversations and write what I hear and test. About speaking skills, every time I take a bath, I spend two to five minutes, talking to myself a topic with myself in the mirror. In addition to the combined listening and speaking skills, I spend one time a month to practice with the native teacher here. Then, listen to the comments and advice to improve your skills. In particular, the secret that helped me from a student who was afraid of most English in the third grade became more confident with English as practice. I had to practice hard every day. That is my experience learning foreign languages, try and know where you will realize the positive change of yourself.

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